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  1. Abandono de carrinho
    1. Customer Schema
      1. name
      2. docType
      3. doc
      4. doc Type
      5. phone
      6. address
    2. Product Schema

Abandono de carrinho

Duas schemas responsáveis pela estrutura do abandono de carrinho

  1. Customer Schema

Dados do cliente, usados em transações e recuperação de carrinho



customer Examples

  "doc": {
    "raw": "00000000000",
    "formatted": "000.000.000-00"
  "phone": {
    "formatted": "(21) 00000-0000",
    "raw": "21000000000"
  "address": {
    "complementary": "",
    "city": "Nilópolis",
    "country": "br",
    "state": "RJ",
    "address": "Estrada Mirandela",
    "neighborhood": "Centro",
    "zipcode": "26520332",
    "number": "700"
  "docType": "cpf",
  "name": "María Aparecida Murce"

Customer Properties

PropertyTypeRequiredNullableDefined by
namestringRequiredcannot be nullXPague Recuperação de carrinho
docTypestringRequiredcannot be nullXPague Recuperação de carrinho
docobjectRequiredcannot be nullXPague Recuperação de carrinho
phoneobjectRequiredcannot be nullXPague Recuperação de carrinho
addressobjectRequiredcannot be nullXPague Recuperação de carrinho
Additional PropertiesAnyOptionalcan be null 




name Type

string (Name)

name Constraints

minimum length: the minimum number of characters for this string is: 0

name Examples

"María Teste Teste"




docType Type

string (Doctype)

docType Constraints

minimum length: the minimum number of characters for this string is: 1

docType Examples



CPF formatado e CPF sem máscara


doc Type

object (Doc)

doc Constraints

minimum number of properties: the minimum number of properties for this object is: 0

doc Default Value

The default value is:


doc Examples

  "formatted": "000.000.000-00",
  "raw": "00000000000"




phone Type

object (Phone)

phone Constraints

minimum number of properties: the minimum number of properties for this object is: 0

phone Default Value

The default value is:


phone Examples

  "formatted": "(21) 00000-0000",
  "raw": "21000000000"


Objeto de endereço do cliente


address Type

object (Address)

address Constraints

minimum number of properties: the minimum number of properties for this object is: 0

address Default Value

The default value is:


address Examples

  "complementary": "",
  "city": "Nilópolis",
  "country": "br",
  "state": "RJ",
  "address": "Estrada Mirandela",
  "neighborhood": "Centro",
  "zipcode": "26520332",
  "number": "700"
  1. Product Schema

## Exemplo

Exemplo da schema do postback de abandono

  "objectType": "cart",
  "id": "124016",
  "product": {
    "id": 185917,
    "checkoutId": "145694",
    "productName": "fb 1",
    "description": "fb 1",
    "productPrice": "189.00",
    "productShipping": 0,
    "productCover": "",
    "productThumbnail": null,
    "productTotal": "189.00",
    "fillableUrl": "", /// url de checkout com as informações preenchidas
    "productUrl": "" // url do produto
  "customer": {
    "name": "lorem ipsum dolor",
    "email": "",
    "docType": "cpf",
    "doc": {
      "raw": "12345649728",
      "formatted": "123.456.497-28"
    "phone": {
      "raw": "22988718452",
      "formatted": "(22) 98871-8452"
    "address": {
      "address": "XXXX",
      "number": "651",
      "complementary": "XXXXX",
      "neighborhood": "XXXXXX",
      "zipcode": "23520560",
      "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
      "state": "RJ",
      "country": "br"
    "token": "a232029d793fe70bd956155a347a5037"
  "dateQueued": "2020-09-11 02:28:09",
  "dateCreated": "2020-09-11 02:05:23",
  "dateUpdated": "2020-09-11 02:05:23"